23 November 2016 by Chris Cathrine | Comments: 0
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Caledonian Conservation Ltd presented a case study of reptile mitigation work we have been undertaking in Scotland at a conference on 9th October 2016 in Cheddar focussing on adder conservation in the UK - The Vanishing Viper: Priorities for adder conservation (organised by Amphibian & Reptile Groups of the UK and Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Trust).
The case study involves an underground cable route which will connect RES Ltd Freasdail Wind Farm to the grid. This route crosses over 10 km of reptile habitat where adders, common lizards and slow-worms are present. However, the construction methods are relatively low impact and transient. As the erection of a reptile fence of such length would have a greater negative effect than the construction itself, an innovative approach was developed to avoid harm to reptiles during works. This contrasts with the construction of the wind farm itself, where traditional reptile mitigation using fencing was appropriate.
The presentation was given while works were still in progress, however construction of the cable has since finished and no evidence of harm to reptiles has been recorded. Therefore, in this case, we conclude that the approach developed was appropriate for Freasdail Wind Farm. However, at present there is no formal published guidance on reptile mitigation in the UK and this is urgently needed to help protect these special animals.
We hope to publish a detailed article on the mitigation approach and results in the future, so that other ecologists may learn from this work in the absence of formal guidance.
As Director Chris Cathrine was expecting the imminent arrival of his second child, Ian Bradley (Ecological Clerk of Works for much of the project) kindly delivered the presentation, which is available to download here.
For more information about RES Ltd, go to: http://www.res-group.com/en
For more information about Amphibian & Reptile Groups of the UK, go to: http://www.arguk.org
For more information about Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Trust, go to: http://www.arc-trust.org