Archive of: minibeasts

Free natural play workshops

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Free natural play workshops

We are pleased to be working in partnership with Doune Community Woodland group again this year to run more kids nature workshops over the summer holidays.

This year we are focussing on three areas that local parents though their children would be particularly interested in - trees, ponds and minibeasts. We are running seperate workshops for pre-school kids and primary school kids, and thanks to funding from Forestry Commission Scotland these are all free.

Anyone is welcome to attend these workshops, and you just need to book your free spaces via EventBrite - see attached poster for more information on how to book. The timetable is as follows:


Wed 3rd Aug: 

10:30 - plants/trees for pre-school kids

14:30 - pond dipping for primary aged kids


Thurs 4th Aug:

10:30 - pond-dipping for pre-school kids

14:30 - minibeasts for primary aged kids


Fri 5th Aug

10:30 - minibeasts for pre-school kids

14:30 - plants/trees for primary aged kids


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