Chris Gleed-Owen
Associate Ecologist

Chris has many years of ecological experience, particularly working with molluscs, reptiles and amphibians (holding licences for great crested newt, natterjack, sand lizard, smooth snake, Roman snail). He has spent seven years as an ecological consultant, and six years leading research and monitoring at Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC). He previously worked at the Ordnance Survey on digital mapping, at English Nature on geological heritage, at English Heritage as an environmental archaeologist, and for several years as a field archaeologist.  

His expertise spans field ecology, survey methods and design, monitoring strategy, conservation methods, habitat management, GIS mapping and databases, project management, EPS licensing and commercial consultancy.

As a consultant, he has worked on railways, road, housing, wind and solar renewables, forestry, minerals, construction, research, monitoring and policy. Clients have included Defra, Forestry Commission, Network Rail, SNCOs, Wildlife Trusts, and local authorities.

He is a well-known herpetologist, and an accomplished non-marine malacologist. He is also competent in Phase 1 habitats, higher plants, butterflies, fairy shrimps, water vole, mammals and birds. He has a PhD in the palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of the British herpetofauna, with specialist skills in the identification of skeletal remains, useful for analysis of spraint and other remains. He is Chair of the British Herpetological Society, a Visiting Research Fellow at Bournemouth University, co-author of CIEEM species survey competency notes for reptiles and natterjack toad, and CIEEM rep on Defra GCN Task Force planning workstream.

He has an accomplished research career, and has published many papers and articles. He organises conferences, leads training events and lectures, and has appeared as a herpetological expert on national TV and radio. Chris is a full member of CIEEM (MCIEEM). 

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